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The wiki has 27 articles.


Defaults : This article presents the diagram default parameters
Defaults initial value : This article presents the diagram default intial values
Dependencies : This article is about the libraries dependencies of jGraphml
Diagram : This article presents the diagram
Diagram defaults : This article presents the diagram default parameters
Diagram defaults initial values : This article presents the diagram default intial values
Diagrams : This article presents the diagram
Distribution : This article is about the distribution of jGraphml


Edge : This article presents the diagram edges
Edge arrows : This article presents the different styles for edge arrows
Edge label position : This article presents how to customize the label position on an edge
Edge labels : This article presents the diagram edges labels
Edges : This article presents the diagram edges


FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions
Factory : This article presents the factory


GraphMLDiagram : This article presents the diagram
GraphMLEdge : This article presents the diagram edges
GraphMLFactory : This article presents the factory
GraphMLGroupNode : This article presents the diagram group nodes
GraphMLNode : This article presents the diagram nodes
Group node : This article presents the diagram group nodes
Group nodes : This article presents the diagram group nodes


JUNG library : This article is about the usage of the JUNG library


Labels : This article presents the bales
Layouts : This article presents the layouts library
Layouts library : This article presents the layouts library
License : License


Node : This article presents the diagram nodes
Node autosizing : This article presents how to autosizing of nodes
Node label icons : This article presents the diagram nodes label icons
Node label position : This article presents how to customize the label position on a node
Node labels : This article presents the diagram nodes labels
Nodes : This article presents the diagram nodes


Port constraint : This article presents how to add constraints on an edge


ShapeNode : This article presents the ShapeNode class


Templates : This article explain the concept of templates


Usage : This article presents how to use the library


Vertex : This article presents the diagram nodes


YEd : This article is about the compatibility with the yEd tool
YEd tool compatibility : This article is about the compatibility with the yEd tool
yEd tool : This article is about the compatibility with the yEd tool

Copyright 2021 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the BSD 3-Clause licence