GraphMLNode node = diagram.addNode(); ShapeNode shapeNode = node.getShapeNode(); shapeNode.setAutosized(true);To set the color of a node:
GraphMLNode node = diagram.addNode(); ShapeNode shapeNode = node.getShapeNode(); shapeNode.setFillColor("red");To add a drop shadow to a node with a default black color and an offset of 3 on x and y:
GraphMLNode node = diagram.addNode(); ShapeNode shapeNode = node.getShapeNode(); DropShadow dropShadow = new DropShadow(3, 3); shapeNode.setDropShadow(dropShadow);Can also be directly set through the node:
GraphMLNode node = diagram.addNode(); DropShadow dropShadow = new DropShadow(3, 3); node.setDropShadow(dropShadow);
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