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nodes and edges labels are sub-classes of the AbstractLabel class.

This class represents labels that can be usded on nodes and edges.

Getting labels on nodes

To get the labet on a node, you can use the GraphMLNode.getLabel() method. You can also get it through the node shape by the ShapeNode.getLabel() method.

Creating the label on the node

By default the label associated with the node is null. You can create it through different means:

Getting labels on edges

To get the main label on an edge, you can use the GraphMLEdge.getLabel() method.

Creating the label on the edge

By default the label associated with the edge is null. You can create it through different means:

Label parameters

The label allows to set the following parameters:
  • The label text
  • The label font size
  • The label font style
  • The label font family
  • The label text color
  • The label alignment
  • The label placement for the nodes and edges

See also

Categories: general

Copyright 2021 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the BSD 3-Clause licence