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Diagram defaults initial values

This article presents the diagram default intial values.

Default properties

General default properties

Parameter Initial Value
autosized false
padWidth 0
padHeight 0

Default properties on edges

Parameter Initial Value
arrowSource ArrowType.NONE
arrowTarget ArrowType.NONE
edgeLabelAutoRotate false
edgeLabelAutoFlip false
edgeFontSize 11
edgeFontStyle LabelStyle.STYLE_PLAIN
edgeLabelPosition EdgeLabelPosition.POSITION_UNDEF
edgeHasLabelDistance false
edgeLabelDistance 2
edgeLabelAnchorX 0
edgeColor #000000 (BLACK)
edgeBorderWidth 1
edgeType EdgeType.POLYLINE_EDGE
edgeSmoothed false

Default properties on regular nodes

Parameter Initial Value
nodeFontSize 11
nodeFontStyle LabelStyle.STYLE_PLAIN
nodeFillColor #FFCC00
nodeBorderColor #000000 (BLACK)
nodeBorderWidth 1
nodeBorderLineStyle LineStyle.LINE
nodeWidth 70
nodeHeight 70
nodeDropShadow null

Default properties on group nodes

Parameter Initial Value
groupNodeFontSize 15
groupNodeFontStyle LabelStyle.STYLE_PLAIN
groupNodeOpenedSizeType GroupNodeSizeType.MANUAL
groupNodePadding 10
groupNodeFillColor #F5F5F5
groupNodeBorderColor (BLACK)
groupNodeBorderWidth 1
groupNodeBorderLineStyle LineStyle.DASHED
groupNodeOpenedWidth 100
groupNodeOpenedHeight 100
groupNodeClosedWidth 50
groupNodeClosedHeight 50
groupDefaultRealizedState false
closedGroupInnerGraphDisplayEnabled false

See also

Categories: general

Copyright 2021 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the BSD 3-Clause licence